I’ve been invited back to Southampton University to talk to students studying Corporate Responsibility. To this day, I can clearly picture the moment many years ago when my lecturer said the words ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ - realising in that very moment what I wanted my career path to be.
As I think about my presentation, I find myself reflecting not on how to inspire them with a practitioner’s view of Corporate Responsibility but instead what pearls of wisdom I can share at the end. I would have loved to hear from someone who’s been there at that age.
Here are the things I wish someone had told me at that time:
Health comes first: Towards the end of University I spent a couple of years with Chronic Fatigue - feeling tired and unable to get out of bed some days - it was in those dark days you realise how important your body is. I recognise this is stating the obvious, but when life and work gets busy it is easy to forget this. Take time to invest in your health and be mindful of your fitness – with age you learn that it’s definitely easier to lose weight when you’re younger so get into good habits and stay in them.
Capture the moment: I wish I had taken a photo of the moment I realised my career path. I think it’s important to reflect and be in the moment when key achievements happen. To celebrate and remember the key moments I’m proud of, I take a quick snap on my phone to look back on some day. Remind yourself of how far you’ve come at the end of each year.
Just go see: Take the time while you can to go and explore different countries and cultures. I’m lucky that I’ve travelled a lot, in fact I have prioritised travelling over the years - an understanding of cultures and experiences is definitely something to talk about at an interview and helps you to understand different perspectives. Once your career takes off you will struggle to have more than 3 weeks off, and as they say, it’s a long time until retirement. I’ve also met some great contacts along the way - it’s true that it’s not just about what you know, but who you know. So network, network, network – it will build a support structure, a community which will support you throughout your career so make it a priority.
Find a good partner in crime: Marry someone that is your biggest champion and allows you to flourish. Don’t underestimate the role of someone by your side – choose your team mate carefully.
A career is a marathon and not a sprint: Pace yourself, take time to grow and develop. Don’t worry if you’re not doing a job you love straight from the off, you’ll figure it out and understand why with the benefit of wisdom and hindsight. Sometimes you also have to slow down to speed up - sometimes you need to save your energy and invest it when it’s really necessary. Slowing down can help you accelerate to the next level.
Act like your 35: For years I’ve avoided talking about my age with my colleagues in the hope that ambiguity around this gives me more credibility. When you’re young and setting out you don’t want to come across as a novice so put yourself in an older mind-set, pretend you are 35. I’ve found it helps push you on to achieve more. Similarly, I imagine this is good advice for anyone older in the workplace!
Think big and go for it: You’ve got to aim high and really go for it. Don’t be afraid to fail, embrace your failure as scar tissue makes you a better person and leader in time. Don’t be afraid to stretch yourself, to apply for the job that you aren’t fully qualified for. Even if you don’t get the role, you’ll still learn a lot and it may lead to other opportunities – it’s about throwing your hat into the ring for consideration.
What other pearls of wisdom would you share? #advice #university #reflections #inspiration