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Trying to have it all

This week I have failed at 'having it all'. It started by working most of Sunday, on Monday receiving some negative feedback and by the time it had got to Tuesday, everyone was looking to me to make some big decisions and think on the spot - something that I felt I didn't do very well. Goodness knows what Wednesday will bring.

I'm sure like many of you, you want to 'have it all' but it's just not possible. I remind myself to start by working out what i'm juggling in my head, here's 'my all' today:

  • Healthy body: one where I have no niggles in my tummy, can find the time to have that check up at the doctor, feel calm and prepared for the day ahead... and only have one handful of pick and mix from the jar at work.

  • Motivating and thanking my team: ensuring I'm being the manager I always wanted, leading with clarity, consistency and positivity.

  • Supporting my boss and empowering her to push my agenda: recognising that she is in a tough position, needs me to be a step ahead and positive no matter how negative or snappy she may be.

  • Being the best daughter and granddaughter: making that phone call to check in and give some TLC when I'm tired on my walk home from work.

  • Being the best friend for others: supporting my girlfriends through the bumps of work and motherhood and finding time to have a giggle.

  • Being the best wife: finding time to celebrate my hubby and make time for us.

  • Creating a home to be my place of rest: and let's face it, actually getting home on time to enjoy my favourite candle with a glass of gin.

  • A plan for the future: ensuring I know what my exit strategy is and what my bigger purpose is.

  • Finding time for me: even making the time to write this and to develop my passion projects so that I can prove to myself that I don't live for work (on some days this is certainly how it feels).

Pressure comes from no one else but myself: yes there's pressure from my team and my boss to give them what they need during the day but the pressure to balance all of this comes from me. This week I've let myself down and it's only Tuesday evening. But failure is OK. I need to learn to silence the negative chatter in my head and ultimately be less hard on myself.

I'm not perfect and if I tackle them one by one I know what the learnings are and where I've gone wrong. The reality is I don't want to change 'my all' but I have got to get better at prioritising and knowing that some days doing my best is OK.

Is this something that resonates with you?


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